Thursday, February 11, 2010

If I take my car to a factory and get a paint job will it chip or wear down?

Or will it stay up and won't chip or wear?

and look like new?If I take my car to a factory and get a paint job will it chip or wear down?
yes it will chip and wear etc. the only way to get a durrable quality paint job is to take it to a painter that does higher end paint job. the difference is how well the paint has been prepped and bonds to the surface. if a painter must get the job done in 1 day or so he wont have done a high quality job but when he can remove all the trim mask off things right and do his magic then you reap the rewards. Earl isnt known for car show awards, foose is.If I take my car to a factory and get a paint job will it chip or wear down?
I think you are asking about a factory dealership, if so then they use the same paints that any Body shop does, and it depends on how much they want to have a good rep, small town body shops mostly do better jobs, because they need a good rep to stay in business.

Urethane paint is the strongest paint used by most auto paint and body shops, ask for that type of paint. also if you ask for and want to pay for a very good job. most shops will do it.
look around get refs. of their past clients, and have them put a fwew extra clear coats on your new paint job. this way makes it a lot easier to fix small scratches and chips wont show up as bad cause it is chipping the clear coat not the color. will cost more more for more coats but cheaper in the long run if u are ruff on your cars.
Your car came with a factory paint job. Is it chipped? Is it worn down? Does it look like new? Does the 'factory' that made it even still exist?
Do like Carl says but also several clear coats will help. Not enough is a problem and too many is a problem.
There aren't any factories that will paint a car.
all paint jobs will chip if hit with rocks and paint won't last forever no matter who paints it.
it will look good till you or something or someone chips it again

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