Thursday, February 18, 2010

With all the toy recalls from China due to lead paint, don't you think its time we move the factory back to,,,

the USA and give Americans jobs who will make quality toys that won't kill our children? At least we have regulations here.With all the toy recalls from China due to lead paint, don't you think its time we move the factory back to,,,
I don't think that they'll ever move the factories back to the US, only because they can mass produce for less in forgein countries and the pay to the employees is cheaper so it saves the companies more money.With all the toy recalls from China due to lead paint, don't you think its time we move the factory back to,,,
They will never move the factories back to the United States. Why you might ask? Companies get cheaper labor when they have factories in other countries. Then, they get to make the same products cheaper, then they get to mark them up higher and make more money, it's all about the bottom line. By the way, there have been just as many made in the U.S.A. recalls as there have been made in China recalls. The fact of the matter is we are making things too quickly, in too high of quantities, with no quality control anymore.
the Toy Companies love china. They literally love building toys there. They are trying their best to blow this issue over, and get people to stop thinking about it.

There is NOTHING that will bring the factories back, and nothing will stop more factories from going to china. Even if they found an ounce of pure lead in every lip stick or childs toy. Too greedy to care.

They are making more profits in chinese slave labor than they'd lose in law suits. They've already made this calculation, and to them , it's worth it.

The middle and lower classes of adults are losing their jobs, and their kids are getting lead poisoning. I think this is planned. There's not a better way to demoralize, dehumanize, and destroy two generations of people, than to throw them out of jobs by the 10s of millions, and then poison their offspring with lead.

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